LEE FILTERS ND Standard 0.75


323000.0 IDR Rp 323.000 0% Rp 323.000
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Rp 290.991 Termasuk PPN

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Total Rp 323.000
Anda sudah mencapai maksimal pembelian
Informasi Toko
Dijual dan dikirim oleh Bhinneka, DKI Jakarta

Syarat dan Ketentuan
Jaminan 30-hari uang-kembali
Pengiriman: 2-3 Hari Kerja

  • Resin filter
  • 100mm x 100mm
  • fits Lee Filter System. Neutral Density 0.75 Filter
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    All over ND standards are another filter that can be classed as essential in modern photography. These filters absorb light evenly across the visible spectrum, therefore reducing the light entering the lens without affecting the image colour. Traditionally used on film for extending shutter speeds in bright conditions, they are now becoming essential to digital photographers for reducing the sensitivity of sensor chips on cameras which have relatively high minimum ISO settings.
    EffectND filters appear grey, and reduce the amount of light reaching the film. They have no affect on color balance
    Front Filter ThreadNo
    Filter Form FactorRectangular
    Ukuran Filter100mm x100mm (Lee and Cokin Z-Pro holder compatible)
    Multi CoatedNo
    GaransiGaransi tidak tersedia dari Distributor
    Tipe FilterNeutral Density
    Filter FactorND.75 (exposure adjustment = 2.5 stops)
    Front Lens CapNo