PT Alam Alsahara Indonesia AOSH - Level III Award in Health & Safety at Work Place

6000000.0 IDR Rp 6.000.000 0% Rp 6.000.000
Harga sudah termasuk PPN

Rp 6.000.000 Termasuk PPN

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Mulai dari Rp 316.667/bulan. Lihat cicilan lainnya
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Total Rp 6.000.000
Anda sudah mencapai maksimal pembelian
Informasi Toko
Dijual dan dikirim oleh Bhinneka, DKI Jakarta
1 Day Local Official Distributor Warranty

Syarat dan Ketentuan
Jaminan 30-hari uang-kembali
Pengiriman: 2-3 Hari Kerja

  • This qualification is aimed at those working or wishing to work as a supervisor in health and safety in the workplace. It gives the learner a wide range of skills and knowledge to equip them to confidently undertake health and safety requirements such as risk assessments and deal competently with consequences arising from incidents that may occur. For more details, kindly chat us
  • Keunggulan Produk
    • AOSH Certified
    • Class opens every week